Saturday, November 03, 2007

Who I am?

I am a symbol of "apparent" beauty. In twists and turns of my body, exists a source of pleasure
for "men". Whether I'm in public or on TV, they lick their lips with craving
when their lusty eyes are on my breasts, thighs and buttocks like a wild, cruel
wolf inspects an innocent sheep before prey. You all often see me in Indian and
English movies in short cloths and at times, only in under garments or may be
even without any cloth at all. Now they often bring me to various talk shows,
announcing "thirteen and pregnant", "twelve and pregnant".

I now sit and try to think how and why it all happened? It seems like gradual, long, clever
conspiracy against my gender. Yes, it was all pre-planned. First those devilish
men put a feeling in me that I am being used as servant in my home and hence
should do something else too, to prove myself. Actually, it all started after
second World War, when the number of men decreased and women increased. Rich
western industrialists needed workers for their factories and prostitutes for
their animalistic lusts. Oh yes, only now I realized what it was. They first
gave me false, fake ideas like I should be a "moderate" and "liberal" lady and
should keep a balance between the world and my faith. Then they showed me the
"mirage" of "equality". Going against nature, they told me that men and women
are same, alike and equal in each and every aspect of life. They then
encouraged me to wear men's clothing like trousers, jeans and shirts. Their next
step was to tell me that I am not a "baby-making machine" and my proper
utilization is impossible unless I leave my home. They said I should go "out"
and enjoy life to its fullest. They made me feel like I have got only one
life and there will be no life after death and so I should extract all the
pleasures from this single life. They produced a feeling of love for this world
and hatred for death in me. They turned my face away from the reality. They gave
me false euphoria that "I should be a career woman" and if I spend my life at my
home, it will be a great wastage". Their last evil tactic was to tell me that I
am completely an "independent" individual and my parents and family should have
no influence on me at all, I should be "free" after 18, to do whatever I want,
and should never let my elders disturb my personal life. That's how they
destroyed the sense of "family value" in me.

Sad story, eh? Well, not finished yet.

And now, through every source of media, they are
trying to attract other people of my gender who were unaffected yet. Their new,
fresh, ripe target is my gender that lives in the east and so far I can see, my
gender is already in trap again. I often question myself that what's the proper
use of me? Am I a toy or some symbol? Or a puppet who dances on their fingers?
Or am I some slut or prostitute? Today, the meanings of prostitution have become
different. Though they still use me and my body to get money, but the method is
changed now. They use me for selling their worldly, materialistic products, to
attract people towards a two-dollar soap or shampoo or a few buck magazine. I
know they made me a fool, but the main mistake was mine. Why did I let them do
so? I feel that the only thing that could protect me from their evil desires was
"religion", my faith, but unfortunately I was too busy enjoying the attractions
of this world to get some concentration for old, conservative religion. And now,
I feel like being "used" and exhausted. I have become a sucked bone. Dogs have
sucked my marrow and have licked my flesh. I have nothing to give now. No
respect, no modesty, no grace, no family, and no future, nothing new or fresh.
Even my own children will throw me to some old nursing home when I will become
too old. I feel that I have gone so far in this dark, blind path that there's no
turning back now.

Still wondering who I am? Well... I'm a woman!

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