Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Obesity Virus

Scientists The University of Louisiana have found that obesity can be caused by a virus.

Even if a man is following a correct diet, many persons are missing the fact that every body is unique, and what's good for one may cause harm to another
Scientists made an assumption that there is a virus that can affect
human metabolism.

After some laboratory experiments it was showed that
the infection with human adenovirus-36 (AD-36) - long time known as a cause of eye and
respiratory infections in humans - causes adult stem cells obtained from fat fat
tissue to transform into fat cells. the other stem cells (not exposed to the
virus) remained unchanged.
The study also reported the identification of a
specific gene that seems to be implied in the obesity effect.

Are They
going to find a vaccine for obesity?

1 comment:

Tina said...
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