Thursday, November 08, 2007

21 Reasons to Quit Smoking

1) If you smoke more than 25 cigarettes a day, you are 25
times more likely to die from cancer and heart disease.

2) Each cigarette takes about 11 minutes away from your life.

3) Fifty diseases are caused by smoking. Twenty of them are proven to be fatal.

4) Seven out of ten smokers express their willingness to give up.

5) Nicotine stimulates the central nervous system, and increases your blood

6)Smoking is the number one avoidable cause of death in the
United States.

7) If you continue smoking, there is a one in two
chance you will die from it.

8)Smoking related diseases cost the United States health service over $1 billion dollars yearly.

9) If you love facial wrinkles, then by all means, continue

10) You could have saved over $800 a month by quitting.

11) Nicotine is considered to be an insecticide used on plants to kill bugs.

12) If you continue to smoke your lungs will shrink dramatically.

13) Smoking from pipes is literally the same as smoking a cigarette.

14) Cigarettes contain tar which has been proven to form cancer.

15 As each year passes you will become more addicted and have extreme difficulty

16) Children who are exposed to second hand smoking will likely
develop pneumonia and asthma.

17) The benefits will begin immediately when you quit.

18) Stomach ulcers are formed by smoking.

19) Even if you are 80 years old, you can still benefit just by quitting.

20) Teenage smokers develop asthma and lung cancer
faster than an adult smoker.

21) Over 80% of smokers say they would not smoke if they
started their lives over.

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