Saturday, February 02, 2008

Diet and Nutrition

Frequently Asked Questions
About Diet and Nutrition

How much weight do I need to lose to gain health benefits?

Small amounts of weight loss achieved in a healthful manner is most beneficial. Losing as little as 5% of body weight can improve blood pressure, cholesterol levels, fasting blood sugar, and blood triglycerides. Being overweight increases the risk for many chronic diseases, and losing small amounts of weight can improve your health and slowly help you reach a healthier weight. We encourage you to make small changes in your eating and physical activity patterns that you can sustain over time, which will slowly help you lose weight permanently.

My doctor says I need to eat more fiber. What are some good sources?

You are not alone; the average adult only eats 12-17 grams and should be eating 25-38 grams per day. There are two basic types of fiber - soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber, found in whole grains, bran, nuts, fruits, and vegetables, adds bulk to your diet and aids in normal elimination. Soluble fiber, found in oats, beans, peas, apples, blueberries, dates, and pears, has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

To increase your intake of dietary fiber, start by reading labels and choosing foods that have a few grams of fiber per serving. Kick-start your day with a bowl of whole-grain cereal or bran cereal with at least 5 grams of fiber per serving and top it with fresh fruit. At lunch, choose whole-wheat bread and add veggies to your sandwich or select a salad and top with veggies, beans, and nuts. Enjoy whole grains at dinner along with more fruit and vegetables. Be sure to drink plenty of liquids while increasing your fiber intake to minimize any gastrointestinal discomfort.

Are over-the-counter weight loss supplements helpful in losing weight?
Diet pills rarely lead to permanent weight loss. The best method for weight loss is the tried-and-true formula of good eating habits and plenty of exercise. Using over-the-counter weight loss drugs is a short-term solution to a long-term problem. Save your money and spend it on nutritious foods. Get in touch with your hunger and appetite instead of relying on supplements that are uncontrolled by the FDA and often have no scientific proof of effectiveness. Some diet pills contain ephedra, an herbal supplement that has been linked to heart attack, stroke, and sudden death.

Experts agree, the best way to lose weight is to get regular physical activity and eat meals made up of foods that satisfy hunger and control appetite. Include a source of lean or low fat protein at all meals and snacks along with high-fiber fruit, vegetables, or whole grains for the most satiating meals.

How much water should a normal, healthy adult drink on a daily basis to avoid dehydration?
We get water from all of the foods and beverages in our diet. Eight glasses (8 oz each), or two quarts, is a good rule of thumb; however, new recommendations suggest using thirst as the guideline for how much fluid to drink each day. Individual fluid needs vary from person to person. Pay attention to thirst as well as the color and odor of your urine. Dry mouth and concentrated (dark) urine are good indicators that you need more fluids. Dry environments, heat, and physical activity, especially during warm weather, all increase hydration needs. Both young children and older adults are more vulnerable to dehydration.Keep in mind your body constantly loses water as it evaporates from your skin. Individuals with larger body surfaces and those who perspire more will lose greater amounts of water through evaporation.

Can I eat dairy foods even if I am sensitive to milk?
Individual tolerance to foods such as dairy can range from no problems to severe gastrointestinal upset. Some people suffer from lactose intolerance and need to strictly avoid all foods containing lactose such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.

Many individuals have a limited tolerance or a sensitivity to lactose and can only tolerate small amounts of dairy products. The best approach for these people is to choose cultured yogurts, aged cheeses, and lactobacillus milk. Try small amounts of dairy with other foods and gradually increase the amount of dairy as tolerated.

Is sleep important to weight loss?
Getting a few more hours sleep each night will not automatically result in weight loss; however, if you are not getting enough sleep, it may be slowing down your weight loss journey. Recent research suggests that hunger hormones get out of sync when you are sleep deprived and a good night’s rest can get them back on track. Sleeping at least seven hours/night can get your hunger hormones functioning properly and help you feel more energetic during the day.

Is it better to get vitamins and minerals from food or from supplements?
A pill cannot possibly be a substitute for a healthy diet. Food first is always the best approach because food not only contains vitamins and minerals but also nutrients, phytochemicals, antioxidants, calories, and fiber – all important for your body. There is a synergistic relationship between all of the food components that work in tandem to promote good health. Supplements are designed to "supplement" or provide nutritional insurance for the inevitable nutrient gaps in eating plans.

Beyond a daily multivitamin/mineral, are there any additional supplements recommended for healthy adults?
Once daily multivitamins/minerals geared for age and sex should take into account the changing needs of adult men and women. If you cannot tolerate dairy and do not eat calcium-fortified foods, you may need additional calcium beyond a multivitamin.

During child-bearing years it is essential for women to get adequate folate and iron in your diet or through supplements. Pregnant and lactating women have increased needs that require a special supplement during these times.
Vegetarians may need to add supplements depending on the foods excluded in their diets. Smokers require an additional 40 milligrams of vitamin C that can easily be obtained from fruits or vegetables.

I want to quit smoking but am afraid of weight gain. What can I do?
Congratulations, you are taking the first step toward improved health. Quitting smoking can result in enhanced taste, smell, appetite, and a desire to eat more often. Weight gain can occur if you substitute food for tobacco. Keep your mouth busy with sugarless gum or suck on hard candies. Stock your kitchen with nutritious snacks so you can satisfy urges with fruits, vegetables, or lean protein. Drink plenty of water and avoid empty-calorie foods that can result in weight gain.

How can I control my problem snacking?
First, try to figure out why you snack. You may snack because you are bored, tired, or in response to an emotion, such as loneliness; or you may snack because your diet is inadequate. Eat well-balanced meals and allow for nutritious snacks that include lean protein and high fiber fruits, vegetables, or whole grains. Avoid "eating amnesia" when you snack in front of the television or directly from a bag and end up eating much more than you should. Plan your snacks in advance and take along nutritious foods and drinks so you are prepared when the snack attack occurs.

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