Sunday, October 21, 2007

6 Foods and Tips for More Fiber

6 Foods and Tips for More Fiber

Experts say we need 25 grams of fiber a day on a
2000-calorie diet. How can we possibly eat that much? Here's how!

We all know fiber is good for us. Not only can dietary fiber lower
cholesterol, it also helps keep us trim and feeling full.

So how do you get more fiber into
your daily diet? Here are six painless ways to work in 25 grams a day — the
recommended amount for someone eating 2,000 calories a day.

Before you start, keep a few things in mind: When you increase fiber, you
should increase your water intake along with it. Add fiber gradually to give
your gastrointestinal tract time to adapt. And if you have gastrointestinal
diseases, including constipation, check with your doctor first.

1. Go for whole grains whenever possible.

Check the ingredient list to make sure the whole grain is the first or second
ingredient on the list. Products that say "100% wheat" or "multigrain" are not
usually whole grain.

  • 2 slices of whole-wheat bread = 4 grams of fiber
  • 1 cup of cooked brown rice = 4 grams of fiber
  • Reduced-Fat Triscuit crackers = 3 grams

2. Choose the right breakfast cereals.

Some cereals have little whole grain. And some whole grain cereals are loaded
with unnecessary sugar.

  • ½ cup Fiber One = 14 grams of fiber
  • 1 cup Raisin Bran = 7.5 grams of fiber
  • 1 cup Frosted Shredded Wheat Spoon Size = 5 grams
  • 1 cup Quaker Squares Baked in Cinnamon = 5 grams
  • ¾ cup cooked oatmeal = 3 grams
    *Recommended serving sizes.

3. Eat beans a few times a week.

Beans offer more fiber than most plant foods, plus they're loaded with
healthy plant protein.

  • 1 cup of canned minestrone soup = about 5 grams fiber
  • 1/2 cup vegetarian or fat-free refried beans, used to make microwave nachos
    = about 6 grams
  • 1/4 cup kidney beans, added to a green salad = 3 grams fiber
  • Bean burrito at Taco Bell (or made at home) = 8 grams

4. Have several servings of fruit every day.

You can add it to your morning meal, enjoy it as a snack, and garnish your
dinner plate with it. Or have it with — or instead of — dessert.

  • 1 large apple = 4 grams of fiber
  • 1 banana = 3 grams
  • 1 pear = 4 grams
  • 1 cup strawberries = 4 grams

5. Every day, stir a tablespoon of ground flaxseed into your smoothie, soup,
casserole, etc.

One tablespoon will boost your daily fiber by 3 grams. Flaxseed contains a
balance of soluble and insoluble fiber, too.

6. Have several servings of vegetables every day.

Include a vegetable with lunch, have raw veggies as an afternoon snack or
pre-dinner appetizer, and enjoy a big helping with dinner. Make a point of
enjoying vegetarian entrees several times a week.

  • 1 cup carrot slices, cooked = 5 grams of fiber
  • 1 cup cooked broccoli = 4.5 grams
  • 1 cup raw carrots = 4 grams
  • 1 sweet potato = 4 grams
  • 1 cup cauliflower, cooked = 3 grams
  • 2 cups raw spinach leaves = 3 grams

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